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Product Review and Vlog

When it comes to shopping; Customers used to go to physical stores and check the quality of what they wanted to buy. But in this era of fast-paced life, consumers don't have much time to face the trouble of quality control, or they have simply switched to online shopping, which has almost no way to check product quality. In any case, people prefer to watch a product review video in the comfort of their own home before making a purchase decision.

Product review videos are basically influencer videos for accurate information . About numerous products and their advantages and disadvantages; which in turn has a major impact on the purchasing decision of potential consumers. Brands have realised that a product review video is an effective way to increase awareness of their products and services. A good product review video creates credibility and trust in the brand.

Therefore, there has been a recent surge in investment in these videos. In this age and era of videos; Review videos are not only popular on company websites, but also on YouTube. YouTube is a platform that ranks as the second most visited platform in the world. It not only talks about how much time people spend streaming videos, but also the myriad of opportunities it offers content creators.


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